Block Kid’s
Chair: Gina Pacheco, gpacheco@coastalglazing.com
Functions: This is a National NAWIC program. NAWIC RI works with the YWCA after school programs in Providence and Woonsocket to host a competition to use building blocks and other materials to construct a building. The winner is forwarded to additional rounds all the way up to Nationals. This year the competition will be virtual.
Date: November - January
Design Drafting Competition
Chair: Lisa Carlisle, lcarlisle@lisacarlislearchitect.com
Functions: – This is a National NAWIC program. NAWIC RI works with local high schools and colleges to disperse the annual parameters of the drawing competition, receive the submittals and judge them. Winners receive scholarships from our chapter and are forwarded to National.
Date: September - May
Golf Tournament
Co- Chairs: Jackie Pagel, jpagel@gopella.com & Lisa Carlisle, lcarlisle@lisacarlislearchitect.com
Holiday Brunch
Chair: Regina Costa, regina@arborealsolutionsllc.com
Functions: This is a social event NAWIC RI hosts each year. We sell raffle tickets to fundraise for the Chapter and donate toys to various organizations.
Date: August – January
Chair: Gabby Caron, gcaron@shawmut.com & Suzette Joseph sjoseph@consigli.com
Functions: This committee distributes surveys on member needs and works to recruit new members. Committee members also collect updates for the website, posts events to the website and suggest changes as needed.
Date: Year round
Professional Development & Education
Chair: Cheryl Benn, cbenn@gilbaneco.com & Suzette Joseph sjoseph@consigli.com
Functions: This committee is charged with suggesting quality programs, sourcing speakers and finding locations to host the speakers for meetings.
Date: Year round
Rosie’s Girls
Chair: TBD
Functions: NAWIC RI facilitates 6 weeks of carpentry classes for girls in the Rosie’s Girls program in partnership with the YWCA of Rhode Island. This committee plans the projects, find sponsorship dollars to fund them, assembles all materials and teaches the girls how to build them.
Date: January - August
WIC Week
Chair: Lindsey Desjarlais, lindsey@behanbros.com
Functions: This committee programs a week of activities in March to highlight the role of women in the industry, educate on the opportunities available for women and secures ways to give back to the community.
Date: December - March