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Mission Statement:

NAWIC RI: Promotes and supports the advancement of women in the construction industry while inspiring the next generation of working women.


Vision Statement:

During our strategic planning meeting in September, the NAWIC No. 1 Rhode Island Chapter 52 set out to define a new vision for our organization. “NAWIC is the premier professional association of RI, offering valuable resources and meaningful community outreach. Our members enthusiastically support each other professionally and personally while inspiring the next generation of young women to join the construction industry.”

You can help us fulfill our mission and successfully realize our vision for the Chapter with your sponsorship. We offer numerous sponsorship levels that suit all types and sizes of businesses across the construction industry. We also offer the opportunity to sponsor programs timed throughout the year so that you can maximize your exposure. Partnering with NAWIC RI shows your commitment to the women in your individual company and to women in the industry at large.

Champion Sponsor:
Description: Champion sponsors will be sustaining sponsors for the Chapter. This sponsorship level shows an extraordinary commitment to the Chapter and its work toward a successful Brave, Bold and Brilliant year.
Benefits: Maximum exposure will be given to the sponsoring Company via print, web and email including a special Company supplied feature on social media channels. Complimentary tickets to 4 professional development seminars will be included.
Cost: $1,000.00

Advocate Sponsor:
Description: Advocate sponsors’ partnership with the Chapter demonstrates the value women bring to the construction field.
Benefits: Companies at this sponsorship level will have their logo with a link listed on the Chapter website, within Chapter emails and on social media channels. Complimentary tickets to 2 professional development seminars will be included.
Cost: $500.00

Supporter Sponsor:
Description: Supporter sponsors’ contribution shows their enduring commitment to the Chapter and its mission.
Benefits: Supporting sponsors will have their logo listed on the Chapter website with a link and in Chapter emails. A complimentary ticket will be included for 1 professional development seminar.
Cost: $250.00


Program Sponsor:
Description: Program sponsors understand how crucial professional development sessions are for NAWIC RI members.
Benefits: Program sponsors will be featured on all advertisements on the web and in emails for the individual PD&E program they sponsor.
Cost: $100.00

Individual Sponsor:
Description: This level was added for individuals, rather than companies or organization, who want to acknowledge the work that the Chapter does.

Benefits: Your name will be listed in our year-end sponsorship report.
Cost: You choose your sponsorship level. All dollar amounts will be accepted.

Women in Construction Week

Women in Construction Week Premier Sponsor:
Description: Premier sponsors of WIC Week understand the importance of promoting women in the Construction Industry and want to partner with the Chapter to spread the message far and wide.
Benefits: Premier sponsors will be featured on the official WIC week invitation, on the website and in all email materials. The sponsor will also receive a WIC week pack of limited-edition items to commemorate the week.
Cost: $750.00

Women in Construction Week Supporter Sponsor:
Description: Supporter sponsors are always there cheering for the women in construction.
Benefits: Supporter sponsors will be featured on the email materials for the anniversary celebration and can supply promotional materials to be displayed or sent to participants during the event.
Cost: $100.00

2023 Officer Installation:

2023 Officer Installation Premier Sponsor:
Description: Premier Installation sponsors stand behind the women who lead our great Chapter and want to ensure that they begin their tenure on the right foot.
Benefits: Officer Installation sponsors will be featured on the official 2021/2022 Installation invitation, on the website and in all email materials. Complimentary tickets for 2 people will be included for Officer Installation.
Cost: $500.00

2023 Officer Installation Supporter Sponsor
Description: Supporter sponsors show the newly installed women that they believe in their ability to lead the Chapter.
Benefits: Supporter sponsors will be featured on the print materials for Installation and can supply promotional materials to be displayed at the dinner meeting.
Cost: $100.00



Sponsor Form
(for Individual Sponsor to enter amount see form below)


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Individual Sponsor


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